
End-of-Life Doula Services

I offer a comprehensive list of doula services such as companionship, respite care, legacy work, end of life paperwork and organisation, funeral planning, and more. I tailor my work to each family I assist. Please book a 30 minute consultation to begin the conversation.

Caregiver Support/Coaching

Caregivers are often looked in situations in which someone is close to death. Together we will assess the caregiver's specific case and formulate a plan of action to ensure proper support for both caregiver and loved one nearing the end of life.

Coaching calls are offered hourly with packages available after initial call.


Living Funeral Ceremony

This ceremony is a 3-hour long experience which focuses on turning towards one's own mortality. Participants are faced with their own memorial, are told to write their last words, and then are lead through a death visualization. It is a truly transformative journey, bringing a new outlook on life as a whole. For more in-depth information about living funeral ceremonies, click HERE.